Women are too difficult, my wife got angry for saying I like Chimamanda Adichie ―Shehu Sani discloses


"Women are too difficult" Senator Shehu Sani discloses  how his wife got angry when he told her he likes Chimamanda Adichie

Former senator who represented Kaduna Central at the National Assembly, Senator Shehu Sani has disclosed how just saying, he likes Chimamanda Adichie, angered his wife.

He wrote: “My wife said she likes Soyinka and I was ok with it, and I said I like Chimamanda and suddenly she got angry; Women are too difficult to understand.They can like but you can’t equally like.”

A follower asked Sani: “My Senator, did you use like or love??”

He responded: “Only like I use my brother.”

The posts:

"Women are too difficult" Senator Shehu Sani discloses  how his wife got angry when he told her he likes Chimamanda Adichie

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