Why Was The First Nigeria Flag Abolished?


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Before adopting Taiwo Akinkunmi design of Nigerians present Flag in 1960, Biafrans had an identification of King Solomons Seal as STAR OF DAVID, which the British Government attached to the first Nigeria Flag in 1914, to represent the Southern protectorate, that got amalgamated into the Northern protectorate that birthed Nigeria.
Some individuals have zero historical idea of the first Nigeria Flag with Hexagram Star Of David and reason behind defacing of anything that can trace our primeval identity.
There was a massive campaign against Star of David ensign in the Nigeria Flag, before the introduction of the today’s Green White Green bands, which partly resulted to the collapse and failure of Nigeria.
In 1956, Northern Nigerian Muslims burned the Flag at Mecca, Saudi Arabia, because of the Jewish Star of David embedded in it.
The Northerners with their domineering actions and Islamic agenda, abhorred such ensign, which will definitely expose the primordial true originality of Biafrans, to avoid future separation and revolution.
What Youths of this generation ought to embark on is, ruminate without prejudice and rigorously conduct researches on what led to the introduction and abolishment of Star of David? What is the significance of that symbol, that pummels whenever is sighted?
I don’t want to believe the eradication of historical studies in Nigeria, swept away the thinking faculty of supposedly erudite minds.
Those called Igbo Jews with the symbol have been in existence before the explorer Frederick Lugard forced and amalgamated the various Nations into an entity called Nigeria.
Mind you, Southerners were regarded as Igbos from Old Eastern region, base on the Nigeria structure, before and during the Civil war.
The aboriginal Star of David has been in existence in BiafraLand , but in 1917 the British Government claiming to be discoverers, were only able to discover a Bronze Star of David in Aguleri, while exploring the Biafra resources, that was present before their chicanery invasion.
The British Government knows our originality, hence Frederick Lugard pronounced ” The South, North, Are Like Water And Oil That Can’t Not Be Mixed Together”. In furtherance, he gave an edict of Hundred Years Expiration Date 1914-2014, “, so his artificial creation can be discarded.
Our primordial originality, can not be obliterated. Rather than fight against IPOB Leader for embedding Star of David into Biafra Flag, i urge you to get historically grounded.
Sentiment should be trampled on and objectiveness utilised. Sieve Hatred against the preacher of Truth and accept his message. Our Brains should be used to reason perspicaciously and digest factual evidence, not to accommodate unsubstantiated hatred against one, with historical knowledge.
Every Biafran should fact check the new design, with the guidelines of history, not prejudice or intuitive mindset, that will aid us to savvy, the significance of hexagram ensign attached to the Biafra Flag.
Written By Ibeh Gift Amarachi

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