We are now more worried about police officers on the road than armed robbers ―Actor Baaj Adebule says


We are now more worried about police officers than armed robbers - Actor Baaj Adebule

Actor Baaj Adebule says Nigerians are now more worried about police officers on the road than they are worried about armed robbers.

Adebule said he was on his way home on Tuesday night and was only worried about police officers he might encounter on the road and not armed robbers. He shared this thought on his Twitter handle.

”Finished filming late yesterday so the director and I were plotting routes I could take home with no police presence. It’s after the conversation I realized we’re living like escaped convicts in this naija! We didn’t even think of armed robbers o, it’s Police we’re worried about” he wrote

One of his followers concurred with him. The follower said he now gets uneasy and hides his phone whenever he is around police officers.

We are now more worried about police officers than armed robbers - Actor Baaj AdebuleWe are now more worried about police officers than armed robbers - Actor Baaj Adebule

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