We bring this video to our readers in our belief that for Nigeria to know where it is going, it must look back to remember its past. It is by doing so that it would be able to ask itself where it got it wrong that brought it to its present sordid state.
Watch this video and see the Nigerian standard and the respect Nigeria used to command some 5 decades ago. See how Sir Tafawa Balewa addressed the Congress. We all have a duty to go back to our root and our beginning to have a rebirth. Nigeria must rise again.
This platform is grateful to USIS, Aminu Yabo and Youtube. They are the sources of the video of the visit in 1961 of the Nigerian Prime Minister, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa to the United States. We are particularly grateful to the USIS and Youtube and other unknown sources for their service to the world.
This is not where Nigeria is today! Please capture the essence of today’s living.