Radio anchor, Daddy Freeze replies to virgin lady Chinenye viz: “Virginity does NOT GUARANTEE HEAVEN, don’t be fooled!-Christ called friends of the world ‘adulterers’. 99% of your pastors are friends of the world despite their ‘supposed’ sexual chastity.”
He also shared the story of the 10 virgins and pointed out that all were virgins, yet, not all made it into the banquet.
Talking about virginity, Chinenye, virgin lady had claimed:
“I brag with my virginity not because it’s a standard for women before marriage, but because it’s a standard as a citizen of heaven for unmarried people.“
But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; ”Ephesians 5:3 KJV”
Responding to her post, Daddy Freeze said:
“Virginity does NOT GUARANTEE HEAVEN, don’t be fooled!-Christ called friends of the world ‘adulterers’. 99% of your pastors are friends of the world despite their ‘supposed’ sexual chastity.”
He also shared the story of the 10 virgins and pointed out that all were virgins, yet, not all made it into the banquet.
But responding to her post, Freeze said:
“Virginity does NOT GUARANTEE HEAVEN, don’t be fooled!-Christ called friends of the world ‘adulterers’. 99% of your pastors are friends of the world despite their ‘supposed’ sexual chastity.
He also shared the story of the 10 virgins and pointed out that all were virgins, yet, not all made it into the banquet.