The Pope has confessed to falling in love while he trained to be a priest.
In an interview to celebrate his first year as head of the Catholic Church, he revealed that “there was a girl that turned my head for a week when I was at the seminary”.
Pope Francis, now 77, added: “But we were young…I tell my confessor about these things.”
The Argentinian pontiff has previously revealed that he had a girlfriend when he was 17, and took her dancing to salsa clubs before he found his vocation.
Francis also said that former Pope Benedict XVI, 86, who a year ago became the first Pope in 600 years to resign, is to play a more active role in the Church.
He said he saw his predecessor like “a granddad” with a wealth of knowledge and advice to offer.
This story was first published by News Express Ngr on 06/03/2014 sourcing it from Daily Express, London.