The Catholic Church; founder, roots and year of founding other church denominations


Cross and Flame LogoBefore 1517, every Christian was Catholic.

As such, today we know that:

If you are Lutheran then your Church was founded by Fr Martin Luther in Germany in 1517.

If you are Menonite, your Church was founded by Grebel, Mantz and Blaurock, in 1525.

If you are Anglican, then your Church was founded by King Henry XIII in 1534.

If you are a Presbyterian, then your Church was founded by John Knox in 1560.

If you are a Congregationalist, then your Church was founded by Robert Brown, in Holland in 1583.

If you are Baptist, then your Church was founded by John Smith in Amsterdam, in 1606.

If you are a Methodist, then your Church was founded by John Wesley in 1770.

If you are a Mormon or Latter Day Saint, then your church was founded by Joseph Smith in New York, in 1829.

If you are a Seven Day Adventist, your Church was founded by William Miller in 1831.

If you are Salvation Army, then know that your Church was founded by William Booth in 1865.

If you are Jehovah Witness, then know that your Church was founded by Charles Russell in 1872.

Here at home:

If you are Redeemed Christian Church of God, then you know that you were founded in 1952 by Josiah Akindayomi.

If you are a member of Deeper Life Bible Church, then you were founded by Pastor William Kumuyi in Lagos in 1973.

If you are Mountain of Fire, then you were founded by Dr. Daniel Olukoya in 1989.

We can go on and on and on.

I have listed these not to denigrate anyone but just to set the records straight. The Catholic Church has remained where it has been since Christ instituted the Eucharist, called the Last Supper. We continue to do over and over what He commanded when He uttered those holy words over the bread and cup, take and eat, take and drink and ordered them to do this in His Memory until He comes again (Mt. 26:26).

So, we were founded by Jesus Christ, beginning with that gathering at Pentecost (Acts 2:1) over two thousand years ago led by 266 successors of the Chair of St. Peter. That is who we are and what we represent.

Source and credit: His Eminence, Bishop Matthew Kukah.

2 thoughts on “The Catholic Church; founder, roots and year of founding other church denominations

  1. This is excerpted from my sermon delivered at the reception of Jim Nwobodo into the Catholic Church at the Catholic Cathedral, Enugu on January 10, 2015.
    Bishop Kukah

    1. Your Eminence, Bishop Mathew Kukah, thank you very much Sir for this info. We would do the needful. May God continue to bless your work, amen. Once again, thank you very much Sir.

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