Kwankwaso picks Bishop Idahosa as his running mate

Preparatory to the 2023 presidential elections, the presidential candidate of the New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP) Sen Rabiu Musa Kwankwanso has called on Nigerians to sack leaders that have continuously blamed victims of insecurity in the country. Kwankwanso said, instead of fixing the insecurity challenges, the leaders who have failed are now blaming the victims […]

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Peter Obi announces Datti Baba-Ahmed as his running mate

Labour Party presidential candidate, Mr. Peter Obi, has unveiled Datti Baba-Ahmed as his running mate in Nigeria’s 2023 presidential election. Obi announced Baba-Ahmed at a press conference and also on Twitter. 46-year-old Ahmed who is the founder of Baze University, Abuja, and also a former lawmaker who represented Kaduna North  Senatorial district, was unveiled on Friday July […]

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Why Peter Obi was picked as Atiku’s running mate -Daniel

In a statement released on Friday, the Director General of the Atiku Abubakar Presidential Campaign Organisation, Otunba Gbenga Daniel stated that Obi’s choice was largely influenced by his youthfulness, vast knowledge of global and local economics, as well as being a financial expert. “This ticket will be able to steer our nation back on the […]

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