Tonto Dikeh petitions the police, says ex-lover Kpokpogri threatens to release her nude pictures

Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh has dragged her boyfriend Prince Kpokpogri Joseph to the police headquarters accusing him of extortion, blackmail, threat to life and intention to  release her nude pictures. A petition written by her lawyer and dated 10 September was leaked by news platform QED on Wednesday. DailyTrust also reports that Tonto in her […]

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Anthony Joshua and Alexander Povetkin’s boxing bout in Pictures

Saturday night, British-Nigerian boxer, Anthony Joshua knocked out Russia’s Alexander Povetkin in their boxing bout at the Wembley Stadium, where he won his 22nd fight in the seventh round and also retain his IBF, WBA Super, WBO & IBO World Heavyweight belts. Photos from the blockbuster bout: Photo: Reuters, Getty Images, Graham Chadwick/Daily Mail

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