From Kabul to Kaduna, By Chidi Amuta

Separated by great distance but proximal in influence and geostrategic thinking, Nigeria and Afghanistan are drifting closer. For most Nigerians, Afghanistan is not exactly their next favorite tourist destination. But aspects of Afghanistan’s undulating history of trouble making and theocratic fixations are beginning to resonate more with Nigeria and indeed the rest of the world […]

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Third explosion occurs in Kabul, at least 60 killed including 12 US marines

At least 60 people including 12 US marines have been reportedly killed after a third bomb explosion was heard at the Kabul airport, Kabul, Afghanistan, on Thursday, August 26. Taliban officials earlier said that at least 13 people including children have been reported dead at Hamid Karzai International Airport, with the death toll rising since […]

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Afghanistan president flees country as Taliban advances to Kabul

Afghanistan President, Ashraf Ghani has left the country as the Taliban prepare its last and final offensive into capital of Kabul. Government officials, one from former President Hamid Karzai’s office and another aide on the Afghan security council, told The Associated Press that Ghani departed the country on Sunday, August 15.   Ghani left along […]

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