Between Wike and Gumi, who really owns Abuja?, By Lasisi Olagunju

Before Abuja, there was Lagos as our Federal Capital. And this is where I would want to believe that there is something about our North and Federal Capital Territories. Before independence and immediately after independence, Lagos had a succession of two ministers of Lagos Affairs, both were northerners. One was Alhaji Musa Yar’Adua, father of […]

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I’ll stand with Nnamdi Kanu as long as Northerners stand with Pantami, Gumi, Miyetti Allah ―Bishop of Methodist Church

Bishop of the Methodist Church, Onitsha Diocese, Nigeria, Rt. Rev. Biereonwu Livinus Onuagha, says he will stand with the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, as long as Northerners stand with Pantami and Gumi. He said that Nnamdi Kanu might have exhibited youthful exuberance but that he is representing 99.9 percent of […]

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Gumi: The Apple Did Not Fall Far From The Anti-Christ Tree, By Reno Omokri

Sheikh Abubakar Mahmud Gumi was well known to Nigerians in the 70s and 80s as an extremist Izala Islamic cleric, who had attracted controversy for his views that only Muslims could best rule Nigeria, amongst other sectional views. It might shock some Nigerians to note that that Sheikh Gumi once publicly called for Muslims to […]

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