Court remands Catholic Rev. Father for allegedly raping, impregnating teenage girl in Nigeria

The Children, Sexual and Gender-based Violence Court sitting at the Chief Magistrate’s court in Awka, Anambra State, has remanded a Catholic priest, Rev. Fr. Nwaigwe Stephen, for allegedly r@ping and impregnating a teenager. The magistrate ordered the prosecutor to transmit the original case file to the office of the Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice of […]

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Catholic Rev. Father burnt to death by bandits in Nigeria

Reports coming in say bandits attacked Kafin Koro Community in Paikoro Local Government Area of Niger State, Nigeria in the early hours of Sunday have burnt a Reverend Father, Isaac Achi of Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church, to death.  According to a family source, Rev. Father Achi was first abducted in Madalla and spent […]

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Catholic Rev Father accused of defiling a girl commits suicide (Photos)

A Catholic priest in Ivory Coast has committed suicide after being accused of defiling a young girl. The clergyman identified as Rev.Father Richard Bilé of Saint Francis of Assisi D ‘Affiénou (Maferé) parish in Ivory Coast hanged himself on Wednesday over the case of paedophilia on the underage girl, according to Presse Cote d’ivoire. The news […]

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Scores trapped as Catholic church building collapses

The building of St. Paul’s Catholic church, Ugolo, Adagbrasa in Okpe Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria, collapsed on Sunday morning. Many of the church members are still trapped in the building as at press time. Vanguard Nigeria reports that the incident happened during the morning mass. Number of casualties cannot be ascertained at […]

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