Elderly man gets cozy with his young, beautiful lover on camera (Video)

A video making rounds online shows an elderly man getting cozy with his young and beautiful lover on camera. With Fireboy’s “Airplane Mode” playing in the background, the couple were seen snuggling, with the man trying to lick his younger partner’s ear at some point. Watch the video below: Even Old Cats got to drink […]

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Camera caught woman stealing money from a church’s offering basket (Video)

Video clip of a woman stealing money from a church’s offering basket has gone viral. In the video, the lady could be seen picking the denominations she wanted from the offerings dropped in the basket. It is however unknown which church and where the incident happened. Watch the video below: https://youtu.be/0ncn7wbj50s?t=51

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Woman hid camera in bra to see how often people look into her boob, she was shocked

A woman walked the streets of New York with a camera hidden in her bra to see how many people stared at her chest – and says she was completely shocked by the footage. Footage gathered by Whitney Zelig, 29, catches a huge number of people taking a look, including men, women and even a […]

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INEC’s ban on Smart Phones, Camera to help APC rig elections -PDP

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Tuesday rejected the decision of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to bar voters from using smart phones and cameras in polling booths during elections. But the electoral body clarified yesterday that its directive barred the use of the devices only in the polling booth and not around the polling area. […]

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