Stay-at-home dads should be appreciated today


The standard family setting once comprised of the father as the breadwinner and mother as the homemaker but today women have come a long way in changing the norm by contributing to the financial commitments in many homes.

While a woman is being commended for supporting her husband, a man on the other hand is more likely to be criticised if he decides to stay at home and look after his children. Even though the modern society continues to champion equal right for women in the workplace; men who have opted to become stay-at-home dads are not given the accolades they truly deserve by society.

Changing the dynamics

A mother and father are the two primary caregivers in most family setting and the decision of who should stay at home and look after the children is an important one. The role of a father in the life of a child cannot be overemphasised especially in today’s world where many fathers are absent in their children’s lives. More men are now choosing to stay at home today either due to unemployment or prefers to work from home so that they can spend more time with their children, and this gives couples the option of choosing the main caregiver irrespective of the gender.

It’s rewarding

Several statistics in the last decades in United Kingdom have proven that children who spend quality time with their fathers are more likely to grow up more confident and stable in their adult life. The truth is that being a stay-at-home dad can bring happiness and love into the lives of your children. It is a big sacrifice and only a man with a large heart for his wife and children can play the role.

Dads are good listeners

Most parents will tell you how vulnerable the world has become for children especially teenagers who have to contend with its rapid transformation too. Keeping up with pressure on social media, schools and exploitations which can come in different forms making them vulnerable and susceptible to danger and possible harm. Having a dad to come home to talk to before things explode can be a great source of support for many teenagers today.

Creates bond

Staying at home to look after a child should be a fulfilling experience for most fathers as it often creates a bond that may not have existed before. Due to the flexibility of their role, a stay-at-home dad can pick and drop off at school; attend parents’ meetings and many other milestones events in the lives of his children. The sacrifice of time is one of the greatest memories that can be built in children to become responsible individuals in their adult lives.

Strengthens your relationship

A stay at home dad who supports his wife’s career can impact positively on his children’s values. Allowing a wife to pursue her dreams is a great way to strengthen a relationship especially when she comes home to a happy husband and emotionally stable children at the end of the day. When you both realise the impacts you both share in keeping the family stable, safe and happy, it will always provoke and preserve love and appreciation in your marriage. (Punch)

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