Sex with overly christian guys will make you reach orgasm – Lady tweets

Sex with serious Christian guys will make you reach orgasm - Lady
A lady, @delmiyaa, has taken to her Twitter page to describe what sex with serious Christian guys is like. According to the lady identified as @delmiyaa, such guys are capable of making a woman hit orgasm on a different level because the woman will be excited by the fact that they are risking hell fire by having sex with her.

To @delmiyaa, that alone makes sex with Christian guys rank in number three for best sex.

She tweeted:

“Lmaoooo sex with overly Christian guys is top 3 tbh. You know…those who are fanatic in their worship, popularly known as the chrifs.

The orgasms hit different when you know he’s risking eternal damnation for your vagina 😍”

Her real tweet below:


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