Myth 1: No condom is needed if you’re having oral or anal sex
Condoms are not only aimed at preventing pregnancy. They also protect you from STIs. If you are not sure about you or your partner carrying an infection, better be safe now than be sorry later. Condoms are important to prevent STIs, especially when there are abrasions on penis or teeth bite.
Myth 2: Condoms don’t expire
Well, they do! Care enough to read the packet and you’ll see their expiration date. Some may say that using an expired condom is still better than using no condom at all but be cautious as this can cause rashes and irritation. The condom can break easily as it loses its flexibility. Don’t rush into bed before you buy a new pack or try being satisfied with a good hand job.
Myth 3: Condoms are uncomfortable and make you less sensitive
Studies have shown that this is not true. Couples have felt as pleasurable with a condom as they have felt without it. Though some condoms are designed to delay orgasms, this doesn’t mean that they make you less sensitive. Moreover, what’s more uncomfortable is getting an abortion, or treating an STI.
Myth 4: No condoms are needed if the girl is on a pill
“Having pills doesn’t prevent STIs and even pills have a failure rate for pregnancy. So, this gives you another precautionary reason to use condoms.
Myth 5: Two condoms are safer than one condom
Just using one condom correctly is the best way to reduce the risks of an unwanted pregnancy and STIs. In fact, “double bagging” the condoms will cause friction and can cause the condoms to tear up. Due to friction, they can rupture and leak. So, one should not use two condoms as there are more chances of leakage in case of two condoms. (Informationng)