The reality of spending too much time at home together will forever remain in the hearts of many couples after this pandemic as this was what some could only have been dreaming of before the situation. Time which was once so treasured and filled with other important commitments and perhaps rarely available to share with spouses in the past suddenly became mutual and deserving. However, despite spending more time together at home, many couples still live separately in the same house while experiencing the feeling of loneliness.
Reminisce together
The dynamics of the old way of living can make it convenient for solitude to penetrate many marriages when couples are constantly in pursuit of their own personal ambitions while leaving little or no room for intimate connection in their marriages. Even though love may seem to have faded from your marriage and you are no longer feel the way you felt when you first met, the present situation can also present the best chances to strengthen your marriage while you both work together to promote the spirit of togetherness again.
One of the finest ways to bring back the love in your marriage is by relieving the memories of great moments of happiness in your lives which have the capacity to change your present situation. Reminiscing on great events and memories of your happy pasts can find many ways to fill the present emptiness in your marriage.
Find the letters
The utmost joy of togetherness in this difficult time is having someone to share the memories of the past years with even when the future seems uncertain. There is no better time to start decluttering and digging out all the love letters you both enjoyed writing and expressing your feelings for each other during the courtship period. The sentimental significance of love letters can help bring the special moments that tells the story of your love back together and begin to restore your marriage for better.
Pictures say it all
Reminiscing on great moments shared together and with your loved ones you have not seen for a while can give you many reasons to be joyful and grateful at this time.“Pictures they say are worth a thousand words,” therefore spend some time together digging through old pictures of yourselves, friends, and family members many of whom you may be missing at this time. Imagine all the things you would like to do when you get the chance to see them again, the nostalgic memories of your loved ones can bring you closer and happier together again.
Discover old memories
Perhaps your house is full of stuffs containing many memories that are as old as your marriage itself, but time has not permitted you to go through them in details in many years. Give your spouse some motivation and encouragement to dig through the souvenirs with you and you will both be amazed at how many lovely keepsakes you may find to remind you of the kindness and love your families and friends showed you during your beautiful beginning. Memories such as these can give you the opportunity to show gratitude and reasons to be grateful for the people you still have in your lives as well as overcome your own trials and tribulations.
Credit: Elizabeth Badejo