Pretty Cameroonian lady commits suicide, boyfriend she sponsored to US dumped her for another woman

Cameroonian lady reportedly commits suicide after boyfriend she sponsored to America dumped her for another woman
A beautiful American-based Cameroonian woman has reportedly committed suicide by hanging after her boyfriend dumped her for another lady.
Cameroonian activist and humanitarian, Bella Powers, who disclosed this in a Facebook post on Wednesday, March 29, said the lady, who lived in Hyattsville, Maryland, took the drastic action after she learnt that her ex-boyfriend is set to marry his new lover on June 3, 2023.
The lady was said to have funded the man’s relocation to America from Cameroon.
According to Fon Sama, this USA based lady took her own life because her boyfriend broke up with her and shorty after, she heard he was planning to marry someone else on June 3rd 2023, the post read.
The Lady, who hailed from the Northwest Region of Cameroon, precisely Ngie, lived in Hyattsville, Maryland, USA.
It is reported that she spent all of her money to bring the love of her life, a man from Bangwa, Southwest Region of Cameroon to America.
After spending sometime in America, the young man decided to end their relationship as he was no longer interested in her.
A while later she discovered that he was already planning a wedding with another woman for June 3rd this year. Upon hearing this, she was extremely heartbroken which led to her ending her own life by hanging. May she RIP. This is the full version of what actually happened gotten from my colleague Kesamag.
The post:
Cameroonian lady reportedly commits suicide after boyfriend she sponsored to America dumped her for another womanCameroonian lady reportedly commits suicide after boyfriend she sponsored to America dumped her for another woman


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