Polytechnic to investigate graduate who credited her graduation to ‘God and her p***y’

Education News

Federal Polytechnic Nekede to investigate graduate who credited her graduation to

The Federal Polytechnic, Nekede in Imo State, Nigeria, has said that the female student who credited her graduation to God and her “p***y” will be investigated.

A female graduate recently released a video on TikTok after her project defence to celebrate her graduation.

“It can only be God and my p**sy ooo,” she said in the video which quickly went viral and sparked mixed reactions.

The Polytechnic’s management has now released a statement addressing the video.

The statement, signed by the Registrar Mrs. E. C. Anuna, is titled, “Management investigating student involved in a show of shame on social media.”

It reads: “This is to inform the general public that the Management of Federal Polytechnic Nekede has begun full investigations into the identity of the student who gloated on Tiktok about how she graduated with the help of God and her private organ. It is even most blasphemous and antithetical that the said student peddled the name of the Almighty in her deleterious act.

“Management considers the action of the student most unacceptable and preposterous. The Federal Polytechnic Nekede prides itself as an institution with high academic and moral standards. Both staff and students are quite aware of the consequences of any misconduct. In an unprecedented move, Management through the various disciplinary committees had released hot lines through which students can report any act of exploitation or corruption. These committees are diligent in ensuring that any staff or student found culpable is meted with appropriate punishment.

“The despicable post of this supposed student does not therefore represent the standard of our institution. The Rector of the institution, being a clergyman, has been very committed and consistent in instilling discipline in our students through seminars, Solemn Assemblies, sensitization outreaches and publications.

“When our investigations are over, we shall make our findings and pronouncements public. It is in our purview to ensure that only students found worthy in learning and character are certified. This is a commitment to which we shall remain consistently resolute.”

1 thought on “Polytechnic to investigate graduate who credited her graduation to ‘God and her p***y’

  1. The management of The Federal Polytechnic Nekede should embrace and encourage that graduating student for coming out to expose sexual exploitation of female students that is commonplace in our tertiary institutions in Nigeria today. The characterization of the the student’s whistleblowing comment on social media by the Registrar Mrs. E. C. Anuna, herself a woman titled, “Management investigating student involved in a show of shame on social media.” is rather unfortunate and rub me the wrong way as an intimidation tactic to heap all the blames on the young graduating woman! That the Rector of the polytechnic is a clergyman has no bearing on the expression of frustration on social media by the lady victim of sexual exploitation by the faculty of Federal Polytechnic Nekede. About two years ago, a professor who is a senior clergyman was fired from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife for sexually harassing his student which was all recorded on phone both audio and video. The lady in Nekede was forced against her will to the point she had no choice but to cry out after she had been molested! Such a bravery to speak out should be encouraged in our institutions of higher learning in Nigeria. That lady is courageous, brave and willing to expose sexual exploitation of students irrespective of the shame such a revelation would bring to her and her loved ones. She’s indeed a brave woman and such should be honored.

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