Pastor crushed to death by the same tree he was casting out demon from

Faith News

It was such a sad and an unimaginable event in Uganda when a Pastor, Jimmy Obong, died on the spot.

As reported by Tuko news media, the Ugandan pastor was invited by members of Mr. John Okodi family to offer deliverance and prayers.

With claims that one of the members was spiritually possessed, Pastor Jimmy Obong asked the allegedly possessed member what she thinks the problem was and how it actually started. The young woman claimed that she felt her demons came from one of the trees planted in their compound.

Instantly, Pastor Jimmy Obong ordered the felling of the tree so that he could effectively exorcise the demons in it. In the hurried process of cutting it down, the tree landed right on pastor Jimmy, crushed him and he died instantly. It also ended up damaging a vehicle packed inside the compound too.

Police officers arrived at the scene and took the deceased to Alebtong mortuary where he currently lays. Police investigators also managed to arrest thirteen (13) people who were present at the crime scene. Interrogation is on, but yet to be concluded.

(Tuko News)



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