One VICTOR AKEREDOLU, Nigerian American is looking for his FATHER


This platform received an email from one of our readers (which we will reproduce below) that one VICTOR AKEREDOLU, a 21-year-old Nigerian American is eager to find his father who was deported from the United States twenty years ago.

Our said reader did not give the full name of the father of Victor Akeredolu, neither did he give us any picture of the Victor or pictures of his father or of his mother with her name(s) which we think may be important in this case.

No doubt, the name AKEREDOLU is traceable to any of the states in the southwestern part of Nigeria.

If you are the father of Victor Akeredolu or you know anybody that could be linked with this young man, please give us a feedback through the contact of this platform.

Below is the body of the email:

“My name is xxxxxx xxxxxxx. I went to the gym on last friday.

My attendant at the gym was 21year old young man. He is an American i THOUGHT.

Please Help me he said with a humble face. Strange I dont know what happened. Any way let me continue.

This young man’s name is  VICTOR AKEREDOLU.

Anyway? He is looking for his dad. His dad is Nigerian who was depoted to Nigeria when he was One year old.

He has not seen or heard from his dad to this day. He is looking for his Dad. He is desperate and i felt sorry for him

It was his last name that reminded me of you. You also have a wide platform to help him search or put the news out there.

Please contact me through my email xxxxxxxxxxx. Between you and me, we can help. If i need to invite to meet him, I will.

My phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. I hope to hear from you”


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