Obi is the best candidate to lead Nigeria ―Afe Babalola

VIDEO: Obi campaign train moves to Ekiti, holds town hall meeting at Afe  Babalola University - TheNiche
Senior Nigerian lawyer, founder and Chancellor of Afe Babalola University (ABUA), Ado Ekiti, Nigeria, Chief Afe Babalola SAN has said that the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Mr. Peter Obi is the most qualified person to succeed President Muhammadu Buhari.
Chief Babalola said the only people opposed to Obi are those who participated in plunging the country into the state of underdevelopment it is at the moment.
“Unless you are part of the old system that has brought us to where we are, there is no way you will oppose a young man like Mr. Peter Obi, an untainted, young, educated man with ideas from being the president of Nigeria,” he said
Chief Babalola, who said he will mark 60 years of his call to Bar as a lawyer this year said he and Obi share a common passion in their love for quality education.
“We have a common ground, and that common ground is that he will give education a rightful place in his administration. Unlike all of you, I never had a conventional education, I never went to secondary school, or university but due to determination and courage I endured. I studied privately through correspondence and obtained my A Level by correspondence, passed the entrance into university by correspondence.
“But for education I would not be where I am today and that is why by the grace of God after a successful practice, I am what I am today. I will celebrate 60 years of my call to Bar this year and by the grace of God, Peter Obi will be there. He is the most qualified to lead this country”.

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