No regret for flaunting my curves on social media –Pretty Nigerian actress (Photos)


Veteran and ace actress, Biodun Okeowo, also known in movie industry as Omobutty since she released her Yoruba movie titled: ‘Omo Butty,’ is one actress whose curve announces her, even when she is not speaking about herself.

The beautiful, fair-skinned voluptuous role interpreter, who has an impressive fan base on Instagram, has said that she was once shy of showing off her body until social media helped boost her confidence.

“About six years ago, I used to be shy of my shape. I was always conscious of the way I walked because of my posterior.

“At times I had to wear like two tights under anything I was putting on just because I didn’t want my posterior to shake. But the advent of social media boosted my confidence. I started seeing people boldly flaunting their curves.

“I also learnt how to work on my shape via this medium. Then, I used to regret my shape but now, I’m so proud of it. I look at myself in the mirror and I thank God and my mother for this,” she told Punch.

The actress, who has two children, also said that she puts her children into consideration in all that she does and tries to avoid scandals.
She added, “What rocks your boat might not rock mine. I think it’s just the case of “as one grows older, there are some things one wouldn’t want to do anymore, no matter how fashionable or good they are.

“I won’t tell you what I’m not but I wear anything that I find comfortable as long as my children don’t object to it. Like the outfit I used for my birthday shoots, I sent it to my son in Canada to get his opinion and he approved of it; even his sister too.

“It’s not like I’m seeking validation from my children but I put them into consideration first. I don’t want them to read things that would make them sad or disturbed. I think there was a time I had an issue with someone and it was a bit messy. My son told me that I should have kept quiet and not replied. It’s not that I don’t want people to talk about me. I just tread with caution in all that I do because of my image.”

More photos below:

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Photo: Biodun Okeowo, Isalaam, Naijaloaded, 36NG, Togo Trends, Instagram


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