Nigerian soldier arrested for berating Chief of Army Staff, other security chiefs in video (See video)


Nigerian soldier arrested for blasting the Chief of Army Staff and other security chiefs in viral video (Watch video)

A Nigerian soldier has been arrested for blasting the Chief of Army Staff and other security chiefs in a viral video.

In the video, Lance Corporal Martins berated the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Tukur Buratai, and other security chiefs in the country for not acting to stop the incessant killings of Nigerians by terrorists and armed bandits.

In the lengthy video, Lance Corporal Martins said the security chiefs have failed Nigerians. He condemned the security chiefs especially Buratai, and Chief of Defence Staff, General Abayomi Gabriel Olonisakin, for not being committed to ending the incessant killings of Nigerians by terrorists and armed bandits.

He alleged that the military ordered the illegal detention of some soldiers, who demanded better weapons and ammunition to combat Boko Haram and other terrorist groups in the country.

He acknowledged that he might be arrested and probably killed for the video but said he is ready to sacrifice himself for the country.

Watch the video below:

Video: LIB

2 thoughts on “Nigerian soldier arrested for berating Chief of Army Staff, other security chiefs in video (See video)

  1. Martins, my brother you are right to state all the truth. I would have advised however that you resigned first before going to the media. It is a pity your so called country is in a mess and the rulers (because you do not have leaders), are actually the sponsors of the terrorists. Buhari and his Islamic team are importing terrorists from other African countries to come into Nigeria to fight as Jihadists, everybody knows that. He even seized the opportunity provided by COVID-19 lockdown to deploy these mercenaries to most southern states. You did well to call a spade, a spade, but you could have been better off running away from the so called military where they harness all of you to butcher in the hand of the terrorist they prepare and equip. Cant you see how many Nigerian soldiers are butchered in series of government-terrorist planned ambushes that have occurred in the recent past? A little country like Chad Republic was able to wreck havoc on Boko Haram but Nigeria’s army couldn’t do anything. What a shame? Most Nigerian politicians are members of Boko Haram and the president is also one of them otherwise how can we explain his appointment of all heads of security apparatuses in the country from the North, yet Fulani Herdsmen from his ethnic group have killed many Nigerians and none of them has been held accountable or arrested. Shame, what a nation, what a people!

  2. Re: The Arrest of Mr. Martins/Nigerian Soldier
    The arrest of Mr. Martins, over and above all, may be the last straw that may break the camel’s back. The young man has said NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH IN ITS PUREST FORM. This arrest is a clear effort to SILENCE him; the actions of ARREST, INTIMIDATION ARE ILLEGAL IN ANY COURT OF LAW IN THE WORLD. The level of lawlessness in Nigeria today is gone beyond belief . Even one video showed some cadets stopping traffic in some city ….for NO APPARENT REASON, and ABUSING MOTORISTS [ calling them BASTARDS] FOR blowing their horns and asking why ?? ALL Nigerians everywhere should speak up in defense of Mr. Martins. It is long overdue for people…..all law-abiding Nigerians to say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” of lawlessness in the present day Nigeria !!!

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