Nigerian House of Representatives amends Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act


According to News Express, Nigeria’s House of Representatives has considered and passed an amendment to the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act.

The Act makes it mandatory for the bureau to ensure that anyone who is deemed to have breached the provision of the Act is given the chance to explain before such a case is referred to the Tribunal.

The amendment to Section 3 of the Act now includes a paragraph (e) which says “upon complaint(s) of any breach or where it appears to the Bureau that there is a breach of the provision or this Act, the person concerned shall be given particulars of such non-compliance or breaches to explain before any reference to the Tribunal.”

Section 4 (2) was also amended to substitute the word “President” with “the National Assembly” as the one to appoint members of staff of the Bureau and exercise disciplinary control over them.

about a month ago, the Senate suspended the planned amendments to the CCB, Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) Act due to public outcry of Civil Society Organisations.

At the time, the Senate passed it for second reading, the presiding officer, Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, had stated that the amendment had nothing to do with the ongoing trial of Senate President, Bukola Saraki at the CCT.

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