Nigerian Dep. Gov. receives boy who enrolled at Oxford University at 6 and graduated before 14 (Photos)


Deputy Governor of Kaduna State, Nigeria, Dr. Hadiza Balarabe, has received Joshua Beckford from UK, the youngest to enroll at Oxford University at 6 years and graduated before the age of 14.

He’s an international role model inspiring children for greatness. He’s working with BMAN to build a community secondary school, Tafan, Kaura LGA in Kaduna, Nigeria.

Joshua was born in the U. K in 2005. He was taught at home from the age of 10 months. He learned to read fluently using phonics at 2 years 6 months old, mastered speaking Japanese at 2 and a half yrs then started to learn Chinese Mandarin.

This exceptional 14-year-old boy performs complex surgeries and wants to end death! Joshua has unusual skills in 8 different areas. Maths, Foreign Language, History, Philosophy, IT, Art and Science and sport. He is on the autistic spectrum – Asperger’s (High functioning).

Joshua has since been recognised in over 90 countries in the world with internet articles in most languages.

See more of his photos below:



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