Nigerian Court sentences man to 2 months in prison and 10 strokes of the cane for stealing


A Chief Magistrates’ Court sitting in Kafanchan, Kaduna State, Nigeria on Wednesday sentenced a 23-year-old man, Alkasim Abdullahi, to two months in a correctional facility (prison) for stealing a laptop and other items.

The magistrate, Abdulaziz Ibrahim, also ordered that the convict be given 10 strokes of the cane.

The convict was facing a two count charge of trespass and theft, contrary to sections 333 and 271 of the Kaduna State Penal Code.

The Police Prosecutor, Insp. Johnson Ibudu, had told the court that one Abba Abdullahi reported the matter at the Kafanchan Divisional station on April 18.

Ibudu said the complainant alleged that Abdullahi trespassed into his room and stole his laptop, charger, Bluetooth, recharge card and memory card, all totaling N31,800.

When the charges were read to the accused, he pleaded guilty and begged the court for leniency.

The Prosecutor thereafter asked the court to try him summarily in line with section 25(8) of the Administration of Criminal Justice.

1 thought on “Nigerian Court sentences man to 2 months in prison and 10 strokes of the cane for stealing

  1. Nigerian justice system is both parochial and incredibly false. Politicians and judicial authorities have consistently and continuously been noted to have embezzled and looted the nations wealth and pillaged what has been entrusted to their care and dumped the collective wealth of the country in foreign banks. Others bought properties overseas with these stolen wealth and still return home to Nigeria to pretend to be religious. Bunch of hypocrites! And we are yet to see any of them brought to justice and all they stole restored to the poor masses. Why then is it important to punish poor people the politicians made wretched with strokes of the cane and months of imprisonment. It is absolutely uncalled for and irresponsible of any reasonable and civilized being. We must start practicing our religious penance from our leaders who must lead by example or be made to face the wrath of the law.

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