A video making rounds online captured moment some Nigerian army cadets caused a traffic jam on an expressway.
The cadets who were heard saying ‘they cannot do anything, they can only wait’, parked their car on one section of the expressway to march. When other roads users resorted to honking their vehicles’ horn, one of the cadets was heard saying “who is that bastard, they can only horn”.
There was no location or time stamp on the viral video.
Some Nigerians on social media however reacted to the lawless behaviour by the cadets:
Twitter user, @Fieldaffidavit, said the government’s disregard for the rule of law had emboldened the cadets to abuse the rights of Nigerians.
He tweeted, “It started with disobeying court orders and nothing happened. Hence, there’s nothing wrong with blocking road. After all, ‘they cannot do anything’. Absolute power corrupts absolutely!”
Another user, @WaleAkinro, said: “the unruly behaviour of the cadets showed that the NDA as an institution lacked values.
“This is what happens when the academy itself doesn’t have values,” he said.
“I hope the Nigerian Army calls these guys in for serious disciplinary action. Our soldiers are well trained officers not some recalcitrant kids showing power on the highway by constituting a nuisance. The cadets of today will become officers tomorrow,” @kennygee_70 tweeted.
See the video below:
Video: LIB