Nigeria is a scam, there mustn’t be new govt without a brand new constitution –Pastor Adefarasin (Video)


Paul Adefarasin Preaches At A'Ibom Xmas Carols Festival 2018 - StraightNews

Pastor Paul Adefarasin, founder of House on the Rock has said Nigeria is a scam and that the next administration must not be allowed to access power without a brand new constitution.

Adefarasin, in a trending video said the faulty nature of the Nigerian constitution had made the whole thing a scam as the 1999 document was foisted on Nigerians by a few soldiers and their surrogates.

He said anything short of a brand new constitution for Nigeria in the next administration is simply a fraud.

“God will give us what we need to do what needs to be done, if we perish let us perish, millions will rise in our place. Otherwise your grand children will not have a future in this land and only people who are genuinely rooted in Christ will be able to deliver God’s genuine purpose for this nation.

“Look at the resilience of Nigerians around the world, they excelled, the problem is not Nigerians, it is Nigeria and its constitution. The document upon which we were formed, it was a few soldiers who put it together and their surrogates and that is what is probably holding us together; the foundation is that document and if that foundation is faulty, what can the righteous do? We have got to go back to the foundation.

“The next administration must not access power until we have a veritable constitution that is truly the document of we the people, anything else is a fraud, Nigeria is a scam and it is perpetuating itself too long,” he said.

According to Adefarasin, it is time to do something about it, saying that no politician has the right to talk to “us on this matter unless they believe as we believe on this matter, Nigeria can do better, we are suffering in Nigeria in our hundreds of millions.

“We could easily be one of the top three countries in the world with the kind of resources we have. And it is about time we let the international community know that there must be purpose, don’t tell us you are protecting democracy, don’t tell us you are looking for free and fair election, which election has been free and fair in this country except the closest to it is Abiola and Babagana Kingibe which was annulled?”

Adefarasin said the international community should be parcel to criteria that raised candidates at the selection level, not the election level.

“The party must put in candidates who understand development and have proven it in their history with tangible resume that they can deliver.

“Nigeria has lost her mind, we want people not only who can handle development, but must be disabused of religionism and ethnicism and terrorism. If you have ever been associated with terrorism, you cannot be our leader,” he added.

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