Akpabio sexually harassed me and I slapped him ―Joi Nunieh, ex-NDDC MD says


Joy Nunieh: How I R£SlST£'D Akpabio's 0AT'H Of S£CR£C'Y To C0MMlT FRAU'D At NDDC Video is out -VIDEO - YouTube

Former Managing Director, Interim Management Committee (IMC), Niger Delta Developnent Commission (NDDC), Dr. Joi Nunieh, Monday claimed she slapped the Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Senator Godswill Akpabio, in his Abuja home for sexually harassing her.

Earlier, at the weekend, Akpabio had during an interview on ARISE TV, accused Nunieh, who was removed about six months ago, of unnecessary paranoia, which he said affected her alleged relationships with her previous four husbands.

Akpabio also accused Nunieh of insurbodination, failing to respond to official memos as well as lacking the requisite qualifications for holding a high office like the headship of the NDDC, including not being able to present a National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) certificate.

But Nunieh, who said she served in Kwara State, alleged that Akpabio, always scheduled official meetings for private residences ‘ because he had a plan B’, noting that one time he slapped the minister in the face for sexually harassing her in his Apo, Abuja home.

Nunieh also said she did not respond to most of the memos, which was termed insurbodination, because the memos were frivolous and written by people under the minister who did not have such rights to carry out official communication with her office.

When asked further by the programme host, Reuben Abati, whether she was accusing Akpabio of rape or sexual harassment, Nunieh said, “Harassment sounds better, not rape.

“Yes, I am accusing him of sexual harassment. Akpabio is most interested in my love life. Did he want to be my seventh husband? That’s why Akpabio told the world that I am temperamental. You know why Akpabio will tell the world that I am temperamental? Because of that incident I slapped him.”

She said, “Why did he not tell Nigerians that I slapped him in his guest house at Apo? I am the only woman that slapped Akpabio. He thought he could come up on me. He tried to harass me sexually.

“I slapped him. He tried to come on me. I am an Ogoni woman and nobody jokes with us. I showed Akpabio that Rivers women do not tolerate nonsense.”

The former NDDC boss wondered why the minister had so much interest in her private life, but said though her private life remains private, she had never been married to four husbands.

She also insisted that she was pressured by the minister to take an oath of allegiance to him, which she declined, thereby further souring her official relationship with the minister.

1 thought on “Akpabio sexually harassed me and I slapped him ―Joi Nunieh, ex-NDDC MD says

  1. Akpabio the thief wants to rape his colleague, he has finally met his match, he deserved the slap. Thank you Ma

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