nature has it that we should feed women,but in doing so, we don’t intimidate women. It takes a man with wisdom to stand women’s behaviour.Your views are okay but you’re only on women’s side and I can understand you’re a woman.
the position of man in the family is spiritual as well as mundane. Adam was created before Eve and mandated to prepare the Garden of Eden ahead of Eve’s arrival. Eve’s success at making Adam defy God’s instruction on the “forbidden fruit” revealed the devilish instinct in women. At the mundane level, the fact that it’s the woman, in marriage, who moves into a man’s house, proves who the head of the home is. Most women driving costly cars bought them from their husbands’ sweat. When a man is broke, his wife should help out but in most cases, women try to assert authority, while in some other cases, they start cheating on their husbands. An insignificant percentage of women stand by their husbands when times are rough and tight. A man needs a lot of prayers to understand his wife. Otherwise, he would go through hell in the hands of the daughter of the devil he calls “wife”. Wahala!
–Lai Ashadele
I wish to submit that a broke man is always frustrated and irritated and should be accorded every support necessary, especially by his wife. Another masterpiece from you Funke. Well done.
–Eziefuna Samuel
After reading The rich will cry harder tomorrow, l felt as l always feel after reading each of your articles. Your column should be made compulsory for all politicians and government appointees. May God be with you for being among those giving me hope in this country. Remain blessed. –08136864650
Good evening Funke,
your write up in today’s Sunday Sun is really insightful and educative. Thank you. –08033333303
your article, Living with a man who’s broke is interesting, but let me ask how come a woman starts “working late” the moment her man’s job or finances crashes? She’s also doing “weekend jobs”, attending “special meetings” etc. These were never her way of life nor her job ethics and you justify this change?
–Mr. Donald
That craving by a woman to attain financial independence when taken to the extreme, leads to female chauvinism and there’s no vacuum to fill by a man. This leads to pride. The opposite, male chauvinism, breeds alexithymia which in Greek means “Without words or emotions” and peculiar to men. But these days, both sexes are to blame. That’s why affected men focus on PMS-Power,Money,Sex. My God only recognizes marriage.Twain they shall be one flesh.Your boyfriend is not your husband and your girlfriend is not your wife. Relationship must be defined before sacrifices and commitment.
–GINOSKO aka Eloho Igbi
Good evening, I just read through your piece in Sunday Sun back page. But honestly, it’s two ways. After some time, most ladies realizing they now pay most of the bills start exerting bossy tendencies. Maybe it’s psychological, I don’t know but it’s true. So, balance your write up. Thanks.
Funke ,
African women including you, believe that the man must provide for his family and even the bible says so. “A man who cannot provide for his family is worse than an infidel”, so says the bible. Man was brought up to see himself as the breadwinner of his family. The boy growing up saw his father doing, so, why not him?
In the part of this country where I come from, it’s a curse for a man to be fed by a woman.
The problem in this part of the world is that a shift to the left, makes the woman lose respect for her man and even try to order him around. God forbids that a woman should feed a man in this part of the world.
I believe and will support my wife to climb the ladder of progress but not for me to depend on her.No.
Her wealth will be for her and her children and if she buys me a gift, thank God; if she doesn’t, no problem. If she supports in any way great, if she doesn’t, no problems.
The bottom line is that it’s abnormal in Africa for a woman to be the breadwinner. That bread will be eaten with anger everyday. –08069189091
you asked “Why do men lose their cool when their fortunes take a nose-dive and they have to depend on their wives for sometime?” I’ll tell you why. Most men who lose their jobs lose their wives’ respect when such wives cater for the family’s needs momentarily. In most cases, the man’s money is usually for the family, while the wife’s earnings is exclusively her’s.It makes the news when the woman pays the bills.
Mrs Egbemode,
I’m an ardent reader of your richly rewarding column.You see,some women are not supposed to live with us on this planet. I have a close friend whose wife was privileged.We were close for many years. While I worked in public service,he was a banker.After my wedding,he got married to this lady who works in an oil company.The lady asked him to quit his banking job, because he wasn’t well-paid and promising to open an oil firm for him; but which she opened in her own name. Against my advice,my guy left his job and only for his wife to turn him to a “houseboy” as he wasn’t running the firm. She only gives him weekly allawi.Is that love?
–Mazi Ekene W.Ugwu
Yes! FE,
Men won’t grow-up because they’re called bridegrooms and husbands.This role is impossible without cash. Regards. –Emma Chiadi
Credit: Funke Egbemode, Sunday Sun (Apology for changing the title: “Your Turn”)