Many of the victims were seeking shelter due to heavy rain and bad weather, Prince Billy Anaglate said. Around a dozen others were taken to a local hospital after the explosion, which is believed to have been an accident in connection to the poor weather.
Aside this, one can see many motor vehicles including big lorries that were washed away by flood inside what look like a big gutter. Inside the gutter too, a lady was lying on the ground with a child on top of her. It is not known whether they are still alive or not. (Images: ToyeenB).
Africa, sorry Africa. Now would someone explain to me why any right thinking society would have such a structure running through an area in the first place. An area where throngs of people, and vehicular equipment ply daily. The fact that such a structure is even built there is absurd. The structure, the gutter, has no barriers, not covered/sealed. Making it a typical African foolish disaster in waiting as in this case. And this is right there in Ghana, a place that we’ve been reading much about in terms of their said developmental turn around. Well if this is that same Ghana, it’ll make to wonder what the yardstick of development is being used in any of these write-ups. Really, Africa will always be Africa. A continent so freaking backwards it sometimes gives credence to how the Whiteman characterizes them, Baboons in some freakish looking clothes. So why won’t the Ghanaians have erosion sweeping their people away. The concept of underground sewage piping network system we are so used to in the US, and other European countries is way too complicated, and too advanced for a Blackman’s knowledge.