Military coup in Guinea, president Alpha Conde toppled


UN chief condemns 'takeover' by force in Guinea

In an apparent coup detat, a Guinean military officer broadcast a statement on Sunday announcing that Guinea’s Constitution has been dissolved.

“We will no longer entrust politics to a man. We will entrust it to the people. We come only for that; it is the duty of a soldier, to save the country,” Guinean army officer Mamady Doumbouya says in a video.
An adviser to President Alpha Conde told newsmen that Conde is under arrest and that a coup has taken place in the West African country.
The location of the 83-year-old, who won a heavily disputed election last year, is unclear.
But, in a later update that was broadcast on State Television, military officers declared a nationwide curfew and said Conde was not harmed.
“We want to reassure the national and international community, the physical and moral integrity of former President (Alpha Conde) is not threatened.
“We took all the necessary measures for him to have access to medical care and to be in touch with his physicians.” a military officer said, according to a translation published by Reuters.

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