The loss of oestrogen and testosterone following menopause can lead to changes in a woman’s body and s*xual drive. Menopausal and postmenopausal women may notice that they are not as easily aroused, and they may be less sensitive to touching and stroking. That can lead to less interest in s*x.
Also, lower levels of oestrogen can cause a drop in blood supply to the v*gina. That can affect vaginal lubrication, causing the v*gina to be too dry for comfortable s*x. This situations can be corrected.
However, other factors may influence a woman’s level of interest in s*x during menopause and after. These include bladder control problems, sleep disturbances, depression or anxiety, stress, medications and health concerns
Some postmenopausal women say they have improved s*x drive. That may be due to less anxiety linked to a fear of pregnancy. Also, many postmenopausal women often have fewer child-rearing responsibilities, allowing them to relax and enjoy intimacy with their partners.
During and after menopause, v*ginal dryness can be treated with water-soluble lubricants Do not use non-water-soluble lubricants because they can weaken latex, the material used to make condoms. You or your partner should keep using condoms until your doctor confirms you are no longer ovulating and to prevent getting S*xually Transmitted Diseases (STD). Non-water-soluble lubricants can also provide a medium for bacterial growth, particularly in a person whose immune system has been weakened by chemotherapy.
V*ginal moisturisers can also be used on a more regular basis to maintain moisture in the v*gina. You can also talk to your doctor about vaginal oestrogen therapy.
Although sexual problems can be hard to discuss, talk to your doctor. There are options to consider, such as counseling. Your doctor may refer you and your partner to a health professional who specialises in s*xual dysfunction. The therapist may advise sexual counseling on an individual basis, with your partner, or in a support group. This type of counseling can be very successful, even when it’s done on a short-term basis.
If your s*x drive has dropped during menopause but you don’t think you need counseling, you should still take time for intimacy. You can still show your partner love and affection without having s*x. Enjoy your time together: take walks, eat dinner by candlelight, or give each other back rubs.
To improve your physical intimacy, try these tips:
(1) Consider experimenting with erotic videos or books, masturbation, and changes to s*xual routines.
(2) Use distraction techniques to boost relaxation and ease anxiety. These can include erotic or non-erotic fantasies, exercises with s*x, and music, videos, or television.