Male friends who don’t try to sleep with you are blessings ―Yvonne Jegede, actress


Yvonne Jegede under attack for showing off boobs [Photos] - WuzupNigeria  Movies

Nollywood star actress, Yvonne Jegede has said that it is such a blessing to have men who maintain platonic friendships with women without seeking sexual favors. The actress described men who don’t have any other agenda than to see their female friends win as a blessing.

The movie star took to her Insta-story to bare her mind on Monday.

Jegede wrote:

“Making male friends who are genuinely your friends and never flirt or try to fuck you is a blessing. We as women will be needing that platonic love. Black men who look out for us with no agenda but to see us win are the best.”

The beautiful and single mother of one also shared a follow-up post which reads:

”One of the most profound realizations I had was when It hit me that my life is mine. It’s the thing that belongs to me. When I’m fed, I’ll be the one that’s dead. So I must live like my life belongs to me. It’s not my parents or lovers’ or friends’ or anyone else’s life. Mine”

See her posts below:


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