Son of late pastor Daniel Taiwo Odukoya, the co-founder and former senior pastor of the Fountain of Life Church, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya, has tackled women who believe they are not supposed to make any effort to support their husbands.
Preaching in his church recently, Odukoya said many women want to be brides but do not want to be wives. He pointed out that the bible says a woman is meant to be a helper to her husband and not a dependent on her husband.
In his words: “The woman was created to be a helper and not a dependent, and you cannot help anybody if you are not equipped yourself. If he is bringing the table, you should bring the chair. If he is bringing the seed, you are telling him where to plant it in the soil. A lot of women want to be brides but do not want to be wives.”
Watch his video below:
some tables were broken in this conversation. Men and Women gather here!!
To watch the full sermon of “What is Love” go to my YouTube channel. #Vision #realtalk
#brokentables#relationshiptalk #Pastorjimmysermons #pastorJimmyspeaks #thefountainoflifechurch
— Jimmy Odukoya (@iamthatpj) February 9, 2024