Linda Ikeji closes birthday celebration with a dinner (Video and photos)


Photos and video from Linda Ikeji

Nigerian blogger, writer, entrepreneur and former model, Linda Ikeji was joined by some family members and a few close friends to celebrate her birthday.

The beautiful Linda Ikeji Media CEO who turned 40 on Saturday, September 19, had a birthday dinner to celebrate the special day of hers.

You can see her dressing which was purposely done to turn heads. And it did.

Below are photos and a video from the cozy gathering.

Photos and video from Linda Ikeji

Photos and video from Linda Ikeji

Photos and video from Linda Ikeji

Photos and video from Linda IkejiPhotos and video from Linda Ikeji

Photos and video from Linda Ikeji

Photos and video from Linda Ikeji

Photos and video from Linda Ikeji

Watch the clip:

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