INEC’s server palaver: Another June 12 waiting to happen – Sani Adamu


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One of Atiku Abubakar’s campaigners, Sani Adamu, has aimed a dig at INEC accusing the electoral umpire of attempting to drag Nigeria towards a path similar to Abiola’s June 12 elections annulment conundrum as a result of its frantic attempt at denying that it electronically used servers to capture and store 2019 general elections.

Sani, while making reference to INEC’s 2017-2021 Strategic Programme of Action said it was evident that the electoral body obtained, deployed servers to the 36 states of the federation including the Federal Capital Territory and that it has in fact used it during the 2019 general elections.

Sani made the remarks at a press briefing over the weekend in Yola, Adamawa State.

Sani cautioned that INEC was dragging its name and the reputation of the commission to a wrong side of history, if it continued to flaunt the narrative of lack of servers, explaining that the PDP and Atiku’s legal team have sufficient evidence to prove that INEC’s current position on the server is false.

Sani said: “We are in a situation similar to the June 12 election of Chief Moshood Abiola.

“Atiku Abubakar is being denied his victory by the combined force of the security agencies in Nigeria, the APC, the cabal and PMB.

“That is why all the talks and rigmarole by INEC about the fundamental of the availability or otherwise of INEC server has taken turn for the worst.

“The truth is INEC has complete and complementary ICT system in place.

“So, the question should shift from the availability of server to whether INEC as a public institution is prepared to serve the people or to serve the cabal.”

Sani said: “I wish to state without fear of contradiction, that INEC has indeed, procured, installed and deployed servers in the 36 states of the federation and the FCT.”

Based on INEC’S 2017-2021 Strategic Programme of Action document Page Five with respect to the use of server, Sani said: “All of the activities have received the required approval and have been implemented between first quarter (Q1) of 2017 and the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2018.

“INEC leadership have received the approval for the transmission of electronic result to the collation centres.

“In the same vein, activities SN’ 1.4.16 indicated that INEC had received the approval to procure servers for the 36 states & FCT in the second quarter (Q2) of 2017 and completed it in the second quarter (Q2) of 2018.”

Buttressing his point further, he said: “The PDP and Atiku Abubakar were smart enough, I repeat, smart and patriotic enough to have prepared very well and received the required information about INEC and its affairs.

“Things were done early enough to take care of the inevitability of the effort by PMB, the cabal and now by INEC leadership to deny the real winner of the 2019 presidential election, Atiku Abubakar.

He noted that, “Yakubu had in one of his briefings in preparation for the 2019 elections, publicly declared that ‘‘’we are pioneering and deploying in the 2019 general elections, a new platform for the electronic collation and transmission of results of the 2019 elections.

“The implication for INEC leadership denying the availability of a server and related ICT upgrade is indeed grave.

“It is a national disaster waiting to happen.” (

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