Imagine this! Man picks his vegetables from dirty drainage to sell to people (Photos)

Health News

Vegetable seller seen picking his wares from a dirty drainage to sell to unsuspecting buyers (photos)

Photos of a vegetable seller picking his wares from a dirty drainage to sell to unsuspecting buyers has emerged on Twitter.

The vegetable seller, who sells his goods from a wheel barrow, had a minor accident and some of his vegetables fell into the gutter.

Not willing to run at a loss, he bent and dipped his hand into the dirty water in the drainage to pick his tomatoes and cabbage. He then added them to the ‘clean’ ones on the wheelbarrow and continued on his way.

The Twitter sharer did not tell which of the towns or states of Nigeria this happened, assuming it happened in Nigeria

See more photos below:

Vegetable seller seen picking his wares from a dirty drainage to sell to unsuspecting buyers (photos)

Vegetable seller seen picking his wares from a dirty drainage to sell to unsuspecting buyers (photos)

Vegetable seller seen picking his wares from a dirty drainage to sell to unsuspecting buyers (photos)

Vegetable seller seen picking his wares from a dirty drainage to sell to unsuspecting buyers (photos)

1 thought on “Imagine this! Man picks his vegetables from dirty drainage to sell to people (Photos)

  1. “The twitter sharer did not say which town or state” the man is operating from. That in itself is a tragedy, that such a thing is going on. Money! Money!! Money!!! However, we can see that he’s selling his sewage ridden vegetables in a part of the country that has drainage (gutter) system!

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