Inibehe also reacted to the tweet by the president of the Nigeria Bar Association, Abubakar Mahmoud, that the controvery against the use of Hijab is needless and will be addressed. Using the picture of his daughter which he, Mahmoud posted, Inibehe pointed out to the NBA boss that Sharia courts and the Nigerian courts in general do not allow women wear trousers during practice. Read his argument below:
Look at this photo shared by the NBA President. Her daughter wore a trouser; look at the type and colour of her shoe; look the size and colour of her hijab.
No lawyer in Nigeria, not even in the so-called Sharia States in the North, can appear before a Judge with any of those. In Nigeria, female lawyers do not wear trousers.
Those relying on the statement of the NBA President should ask questions. It will be ridiculous for us to mend our Rules and Conventions simply because of what is obtainable elsewhere.
When this lady applied for American visa, I will like to know whether she had her hijab on while taking photographs and during the screening? Mr. A. B. Mahmoud SAN should tell us.
Islam forbids women from touching men who are not their husbands. But don’t we have female nurses and female security personnel? Do they not interact with the opposite sex in the course of their work?
Hijab as I understand, is only worn by female Muslims to shield them from unnecessary attention. It is just a protective apparel. The wig also serves same purpose. Hijab is just a piece of fabric that is made and sold to those who want to wear it.
No woman was born with a hijab. If you want to join a profession like law, you must be ready to abide by its tenets. You cannot expect the profession to adjust its rules just to suit your religious beliefs.
I am not scared of being labelled or insulted by the Social Media Hisbah Police who have taken it upon themselves to attack anyone who disagrees with their opinion. I do not care what you think of me. I don’t have respect for religious bigots.
If you have followed me for long, you would have known that I am far more critical of questionable things and practices that I find in Christianity.
Labelling me anti-Islam is not just nonsense but certified nonsense.
Source: Inibehe Effiong, LIB
Dress code are nothing but guideline, and with any guidelines they are subject to review and adjustment, so even the ancient lawyer dress code can also be reviewed with consideration to present norms. We do not have to feel enslaved to a dress code if it is out place or in conflict with our religious believes and cyuture, we can make the code fit our own norm and not the other way around. I am a Christian but I am glad someone is challenging a law or a a dress code, or a guideline that clearly appears discreminative. For goodness sake, that crazy looking wig is bases on a European culture, there is nothing African about it for starters so please drop this argument. ..for example American lawyers do not wear this crazy looking wig and united states was once colonized by the British as well…Americans rid themselves of these wigs and their lawyers are practising their craft with no problem. ..the same will be the case for Nigerian lawyers, it 7s not the wig that make the lawyer…the lawyer is a lawyer with or without the wig…