Dear ma,
May God bless you for your insightful messages. Please advise virgins in their 20s to develop intimacy with the Holy Ghost before marriage. A lot of them are marrying wrong partners out of impatience; they don’t even pray and hear from God before making the decision to marry and end up divorced, making others out there to mock them for marrying as virgins.
-Helen Ibifuniju
Dear ma,
I am a 25-year-old graduate. I graduated from the university two years ago. I met a guy after my service year around April last year. As I write right now, I still feel ashamed of myself. I can’t stop regretting everything that happened between this guy and me. After five months of our relationship, he asked for sex. I didn’t want to accept at first. Then he began disturbing me and giving me the cold shoulder! I was so blind that I never knew that was a red flag. After so much persuasion, I finally accepted we should have sex. After the sexual intercourse, he stopped picking my calls; he blocked my number on his phone and blocked me on all his social media handles. Truly, guys change drastically after sex. I feel so ashamed right now, especially when I learnt from someone that he makes jest of me when having a conversation with his friends. I learnt my lesson in a very hard way. One of my friends counselled that a man that truly loves you would wait till your wedding night, not asking for sex in a relationship.
A few months ago, I started following your articles. Though I am not a virgin, I feel ashamed of myself. Because I allowed myself to be deceived by an ordinary man, a mere mortal! Truly, chastity is the best and the Word of God is the truth! Now I understand why the Scripture says we should flee from all forms of fleshly lust. I cry a lot, especially at night, because the pain is still deep in my heart. In fact, I’m crying as I write and I pray God will forgive me and send the right man destined for me. Right now, I will wait patiently till my wedding night. Please, let other girls see this and learn from my experience. Also, please remember me in your prayers. Thanks ma.
Did you know guys see this generation of girls/young ladies as one of the cheapest things they could have? Yes! Ask your brothers, uncles, daddies, etc. Most of them don’t place much value on how you feel especially when you devalue yourself by allowing them sleep with you, frolick with your body, eat you up like mango, and have their taste and full satisfaction of all your shakara (your sexuality)! They’re quick to mess around with your heart and throw the mango they’ve eaten away, knowing there’s a long queue of girls waiting for their attention! Mind you, they don’t want to marry anything cheap either!
If you refuse to join the bandwagon of frivolity/girls who’ve turned themselves into dirt-cheap commodities and remain sexually pure till marriage, not only will you save yourself fatal headaches and heartache and satanic destiny-diverting transactions, but believe me, you’ll shine like a star and the best of the world’s most honourable men would pursue the gold mine that you are!
Leave romance for now, concentrate on your studies and becoming a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:25), a living sacrifice unto God by abstaining from ungodly sex and watch how your star would come out shining brightly, laying the world at your feet! A word is enough for the wise! Stop following the seemingly successful who display promiscuity. You’d be surprised that your star is far greater and would overshadow theirs if only you do things God’s way! You don’t want to miss that great glory God has designed for you! May social media not throw your life into never-ending trouble and pain!
May God mend every broken heart, redirect every wrong step taken and make everyone reading this a city the whole world would salute in Jesus mighty name!
I invite you to follow me on Facebook –TEMILOLU OKEOWO Instagram: @Okeowotemilolu
Are you still engaging in pre-marital sex? Each act devalues you! Your wonders are waiting to start. God is waiting for you to become a secondary virgin! You are most welcome on board the chastity campaign train and Girls Club is open for all girls and ladies. Please text your name, age, school or occupation and state of domicile to 07086620576.
Credit: Temilolu Okeowo