Giadom gets interim order to preside over APC’s NEC affairs


An FCT High Court sitting in Maitama, Abuja, presided over by Justice Samira Bature,  on Monday granted an interim order permitting Chief Victor Giadom,the current Acting National Secretary of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), to act as the National Chairman of the party.

The judge granted the order in a motion ex-parte marked FCT/HC/M/6447/2020, filed by APC National Vice Chairman (North-East), Comrade Mustapha Salihu, which was argued by his counsel, O.C. Ugwu, Esq.

Joined as defendants in the motion are Babatunde Ogala; Lanre Issa-Onilu; Waziri Bulama and the party, APC. Salihu had approached the court, through the exparte motion, seeking for an interim order allowing Giadom to pilot the affairs of the party .

And also, as acting chairman and to preside at all meetings of the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) pending the decision of the party’s NEC fixed for March 17.

The applicant also sought an interim order restraining the APC and its officers or anyone purporting to act as an officer of the 4th defendant (APC) from preventing or in any way disturbing Giadom from functioning as the acting chairman.

He added, unless otherwise decided by the NEC of the party pending the hearing of the motion on notice.

After listening to the motion as argued by Ugwu, Justice Bature granted the interim order as prayed.

“Application is hereby granted as prayed,” the judge ordered.

Justice Bature then adjourned the matter till March 20 for hearing.

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