French doctor offers apology for saying new Coronavirus drug should be tested in Africa


French doctor apologizes after asking for new Coronavirus drug to be tested in Africa

Jean Paul Mira, the French doctor who alongside his colleague Camille Locht asked for a new Coronavirus drug to be tested in Africa, has apologized after their statement triggered a worldwide outrage.

It was reported earlier that Jean Paul Mira and Camille Locht who spoke on a live TV interview, insisted that Africa is the best place to conduct such test as they recalled how an experimental treatment for AIDS was carried out in Africa.

The doctors were discussing about a “repurposed” tuberculosis vaccine as a COVID-19 beater during an expert chat on television, when the suggestion was made. The drug is currently being trialled in several European countries and Australia.

Mira, who is the intensive care unit (ICU) head at the Cochin hospital in Paris has now apologized over his comment which incited an outcry.

In a statement released on Friday April 3, Mira’s employer, the Paris network of hospitals quoted him saying:

“I want to present all my apologies to those who were hurt, shocked and felt insulted by the remarks that I clumsily expressed on LCI this week.”

2 thoughts on “French doctor offers apology for saying new Coronavirus drug should be tested in Africa

  1. He and his colleague made some provocative revelation that should be investigated, this is not a matter of apology. I hope African leaders will not just sweet this under the carpet. The happening in the world right now is enough lesson to our leaders that charity begins at home. The people who are behind the so called studies or research studies are not better than African scientist if presented with same level playing field which African leaders should have the courage to provide. The decision lies in the hand of African leaders.

  2. The purported apology by this doctor is nothing more than crocodile tears. The man revealed the true thinking of his mind and his circle of friends in Europe. Well meaning African leaders should demand a thorough investigation of the man and everyone who has worked with him to find out how many times and people of Africa have been used as guinea pigs for clinical trials. I will be dumber than dumb if he doesn’t have a trail of continental damages behind him.

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