Fr. Mbaka apologises to Peter Obi for negative comments (Video)


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Fr. Ejike Mbaka, of Adoration Ministry Enugu, Nigeria, has apologised to the vice presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Mr. Peter Obi, over the negative public remarks he made about him last Sunday.

In a video coverage, Fr. Mbaka tendered the apology early Saturday before thousands of his followers at a vigil mass in Enugu.

Apologising for the derogatory remarks, the Catholic priest, explained that his intentions were not to embarrass the ex-governor of Anambra State but to seek the advancement of the church.

His apology: “On behalf of myself, Rev Fr. Mbaka Ejike Camillus, the Spiritual Director of this adoration ministry, Enugu Nigeria, I wish to apologise humbly to the former governor of Anambra state, Mr. Peter Obi, who came here on Sunday for bazaar.

“In any way, shape or form my utterances and actions on that bazaar induced, initiated or prompted derogatory remarks, criticisms, unhealthy attacks to his personality, I didn’t intend any of this.

“All I said on that day, I never meant to insult him or to bring his political career down. My intention is simply to support the work of God.

“If my actions exhibited demeanor or any unhealthy attitude that provoked himself and those who love him which brought all the verbal attacks, I am asking who ever was, is, or will be hurt to please, please, and please forgive me.”

See video below:

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