Feminism is toxic, I don’t want to be part of that ―Nollywood actress, Bimbo Akintola says

Life & Style

Feminism is toxic. I don?t want to be part of that - Nollywood actress, Bimbo Akintola

Veteran Nollywood actress, Bimbo Akintola has described herself as a humanist rather than a feminist.

The 51-year-old actress, who stated this in an exclusive interview with Premium Times, at a movie set in Lagos, said feminism is a toxic ideology.

“My passion for the girl-child and the women does not make me a feminist; I am a humanist,” she said.

“I don’t like this feminist idea because I think there’s a focus on this wing of feminism that is extreme. It’s toxic. I don’t want to be part of that. I want us to realise that you care about humans if you say you are a humanist

“That means every individual: boy, girl, woman, man; everybody. My niche is the women and the girl child because there is so much to do concerning this issue in Nigeria.” she added.

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