Last night Femi Fani-Kayode wrote a piece about US secretary of state John Kerry and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s visit to Nigeria & how it has something to do with the Hausas. He wrote;
“Kerry comes to the north and sees the Sultan of Sokoto, northern governors and Buhari. One week later Facebook founder comes to Nigeria and says Hausa is a “unique language” which he has included on Facebook. Think Nigerians think”.
Hours later, former presidential aide Reno Omokri reacted to FFK’s comment. He wrote;
FFK responded to Reno Omokri:
“Nice to hear from u. Permit me to begin by saying that I never miss ur write-ups and I thank God that we still have people as discerning and as bold as u in our country. Pls keep it up. Now to the business of the day.
Thanks for taking your time to respond to my post. Perrmit me to respond to you very briefly. What Mark Zuckerberg said about the Hausa language being “unique” is not a fact but an opinion. And it is an opinion which, in fairness to him, may well be honestly held. It is also an opinion which you evidently share and which both u and he u are perfectly entitled to. I am, however, entitled to disagree with u on that opinion especially where I have good reason to do so. You see unlike most I do not post, speak or write lightly. I take my time, I do my research and I am very precise. That is my style and nature. The choice of hausa being put on Facebook is not just a matter if “linguistic uniqueness” I assure u. And to honestly believe that it does borders on pure naivety. There is nothing unique about the number of coutries in west Africa that speak Hausa and I do not believe that Hausa is the most widely spoken language in west Africa though many often say it is. It is rather like the common refrain that the hausas number more than any other nationality in Nigeria when we all know how and when that particular dirty lie came about and how the British constructed it by counting the cows of the north and adding them to the number of northerners that they counted in the first census. If the truth be told even then and up until now the Igbo and the Yoruba are more than the Fulani and the Hausa. If u doubt my assertion about the lack of uniqueness of the Hausa language, please do the research and find out how many countries that Yoruba, for example, is spoken in both in West Africa and outside of the African continent in South America and the Carribean. Also read up on the history of the BBC and VOA Hausa Service and why they were set up by their respective governments. Ditto the German hausa radio service and others. It made perfect sense because most hausa men carried radios around with them everywhere they went whilst their southern compatriots, being far more advanced and educated, prefered reading newspapers and watching television. It is not just a matter if linguistic uniqueness I assure u but evidence of the fact that the British particularly always had, and still do have, a strong partiality for the Hausa Fulani compared to any other nationality in Nigeria. The reasons for that are legion so I won’t go into them here. Needless to say though, the history on this matter is very clear and I suggest you read up on it. It appears that the American authorities, at least the Obama/Kerry/Clinton brigade, are following in the footsteps of the British colonial masters in terms of their preferred friends in Nigeria and indeed American private companies like Facebook, just like British private companies did in the former British colonies before them, are towing the line of their governments. It is not too difficult to work that one out for the intelligent. I guess only time will tell if I am right but these are my views. In any case I wonder how many hausa-speaking people are on Facebook when compared to Yoruba and Igbo. I read far more into this matter than u do because I am not just a politician but a historian. I also have my views about the social media generally, its link to the top western intelligence agencies and what its ultimate objective is. I have been proved right in the end on most of my assertions about unfolding events in this country and indeed world affairs as u may or may not know. I doubt that this will be any different. Unlike most people I do not let my friendship or personal-liking or disliking of an individual becloud my judgement. My reasons for believing what I believe will be made manifest at the appropiate time. If u are really interested in knowing what those reasons are I suggest you exercise a little patience and u will find out. U may even learn something from it. By the way unlike u I think it would be an excellent innovation if Facebook introduced other Nigerian languages like Igbo, Yoruba, Ijaw etc.. As far as I am concerened the more inclusive it is the better. I wish u well and please keep writing those excellent essays on the situation in our country. Shalom.
If only you knew what we as a people in Nigeria and Africa suffered in the hands of the western imperialists over the last 100 years you would appreciate this intervention instead of attempting to treat it with contempt just to impress your friends at Facebook and in California.