Don’t let Christmas celebrations turn to tears ―WHO chief warns


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World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday cautioned that Christmas celebrations could turn to tears if people fail to keep up their guard against COVID-19 during the festive season.

Speaking to at a news conference, WHO chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said the period could turn to sadness if precautions are disregarded.

Tedros said the number of deaths in the coronavirus pandemic was surging and urged people to think very carefully about their holiday season plans.

In his words, “The festive season is a time to relax and celebrate but… celebration can very quickly turn to sadness if we fail to take the right precautions.

“As you prepare to celebrate over the coming weeks, please, please consider your plans carefully. If you live in an area with high transmission, please take every precaution to keep yourselves and others safe.

“That could be the best gift you could give — the gift of health.”

He added that there had been a 60 per cent increase worldwide in deaths from the respiratory disease over the past six weeks.

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