I am starting these (Dear Sister) series with the message I received from a lady about her relationship experiences.
She wondered if her unpleasant experience with a man she dated for three years (and he later left her) had blocked her way with men. It would seem as if every other man she met afterwards was a disaster, from the one that stopped communicating because she didn’t ‘go and know’ his house to the one that has a habit of comparing her to other ladies.
My view
When they would rather compare you to other ladies rather than encourage you, they have no time to appreciate any other thing about you. And that is not a place of nourishment for your emotions. Everyone needs a relationship that is HOME to their emotions. Therefore, the one that leaves you feeling “not good enough” isn’t good for your soul.
When people don’t find you good enough, the easiest way they show it is by comparing you to someone else/others. A lover, who is quick with criticism/comparison is NOT generous with appreciation. Your soul can never find nourishment in their arms.
Even when we have come a long way, if we don’t see our own worth, it is not likely that the world will hand it to us on a silver platter. Sometimes, the people that cross our path are a reflection of the world within us. Life is like a mirror. What it will ALWAYS reflect to you is how you see yourself and that it does, through your circumstances. When you start seeing yourself differently, the mirror begins to reflect differently. Clothes don’t define your essence. And it’s a mistake to seek what you should seek within, out there. You will NOT find it.
Validate YOU first and life will send kindred minds your way. So what if you are getting older and not yet married? Stop walking through the world looking for confirmation that you don’t belong. You will always find it because you’ve made that your mission. Stop scouring people’s faces for evidence that you’re not enough. You will always find it because you’ve made that your goal. True belonging and self-worth are not goods; we don’t negotiate their value with the world.
The truth about who we are lives in our hearts–Brene Brown
Next time, stay FAR AWAY from people who criticise you and compare you to others but don’t lift a finger to help you. Generous souls aren’t quick with criticism and comparisons. They will rather roll their sleeves to make the needed difference in your life. And still not scathe your self-esteem.
When a relationship fails, it just doesn’t work out. Nobody has the power to block your path. Stop limiting God with your emotions. What is simply happening is that most ladies seek their worth in a MAN. And these disappointing experiences are the natural CONSEQUENCE of that common mistake of ladies.
If you begin to seek what you seek out there from within, life will begin responding differently to you and even your love rhythm will have a different tune to it.
You see love? It will find you. But it often doesn’t come from where we are obsessively looking for it. Learn to look less at the biological clock as you lead your life. If there’s anything to obsess about, it should be self-development. What is best for you is what will be your lot in the end. If it has not worked with any man, it means they are simply wrong for you.
Have some faith in life. We all get to a point in the future where we are thankful for past disappointments. Sometimes, let’s get over ourselves to thank LIFE for what she’s protecting us from.
Credit: Chukwuneta Oby