Daddy Freeze wonders what miracle ace actress, Oge Okoye, was seeking at SA pastor Lukau’s church (Oge’s video)


Freeze makes fun of Oge Okoye for visiting the church of controversial Pastor Lukau who staged a fake resurrection miracle(video)

Wondering FM Radio anchor, Daddy Freeze has made fun of Nollywood actress Oge Okoye for visiting Pastor Alph Lukau’s church.

The actress visited the Alleluia International Ministries church with her daughter last year and they were brought out to the front of the church by the pastor who then proceeded to prophesy onto her life.

In a video which recently resurfaced, pastor Lukau made some prophesies which reduced Oge Okoye to tears.

“Is this your daughter,” Pastor Lukau asked the actress at some point.

“Yes,” the Nigerian actress replied.

“She’s special,” Pastor Lukau said and Oge passionately replied, “yes, I know.”

Without being told, the pastor mentioned that the child’s name is “Chibuike Crystal” and Oge was visibly impressed by his ability to tell her daughter’s name.

Oge’s visit to the controversial Pastor came before the pastor trended for bringing a “dead” man back to life then giving him food to eat.

Things began to fall apart for the pastor when the funeral houses embroiled in the fake miracle opened up and called out the pastor for deceiving them and using their hearse to fake a miracle.

Ever since pastor Lukau was exposed, Freeze has made a trend out of shading him and even began a resurrection challenge. Now, he’s shading Oge Okoye for going to the church.

Sharing a video of the actress in Lukau’s church, Daddy Freeze wrote:

“Alph Lukau finally gets a real actor as Oge Okoye visits him in the wake of Elliot’s resurrection. The Oge OKOYE Challenge starts tomorrow from 10am!”

Below is a video of Oge in pastor Lukau’s church:

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