Daddy freeze laments 100,000 seater church hall while Nigerian soldiers use outdated weapons

FM Radio anchor and leader of Free The Sheeple movement, Daddy Freeze has reacted to the dedication of the largest church auditorium in the world in Abuja The world’s largest church auditorium is owned by Dunamis International Gospel Center and it is a 100,000 seater capacity building.
Speaking on the 100,000 seater capacity church hall dedication in Nigeria, Daddy Freeze shared a video of Nigerian soldiers complaining about their outdated weapons and wrote:
“The weapons of our army are obsolete while we just built the world’s largest church auditorium. At this rate, we can only keep praying for our enemies to die by fire, while they slaughter our citizens with superior fire power.” ~FRZ -#FreeTheSheeple

Daddy Freeze, Instablog9ja

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